What's Happening
Spring Session Registration
March Break Camp 2025
FULL - Waitlist only
Summer Camp 2025
Registration Opens February 5th @ 9:00am
Photography & Video Policy
To protect every child/family's right to privacy, no photography or filming of children is permitted during class. On the last day of recreation classes, parents will be permitted to photograph their own child only, while receiving their report card/ribbon at the end of class. Non-parents (friends, relatives, child-minders) must obtain permission from the parent of the athlete prior to photographing them.
Parents are not permitted to publish any photographs on social media or the internet taken at Milton Springers unless they specifically contain your own child's image only.
Flash photography is extremely dangerous for athletes as it temporarily blinds them and poses a serious risk for injury. It is strictly prohibited in the facility at any time.
On occasion Milton Springers staff may take photographs of recreational athletes for the purpose of marketing and/or club promotions, but will only do so with the expressed written consent of the athlete parent/guardian.
If it is noticed by or pointed out to our staff that individuals are taking photographs or videos of athletes, our policy is to request that the person stop taking photos and to request the photos to be removed from the camera or device. The safety of our participants is of utmost importance to us and if deemed necessary, we will report any unusual activity to the authorities, and you will not be permitted to view your child's class. We would also ask that any member who suspects unusual activity, to report it to the office.
We continually review and update our club policies to ensure the safety and well being of all members.