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Boys Recreation Classes

                                                              (For Gymnasts in Grade 1 and above)


Boys Rec Level 1-4

Age: 6+
Class Length: 85 minutes
Pre-requisites: None
Additional details: There are 6 levels in the boys recreation program, each child is different and may take multiple sessions to complete all levels. Once levels 1 and 2 are achieved the next program available is Boys Level 3+.

Program Description: This class is an 85 minute introduction to the boys recreation program.  The program focuses on the fundamentals of gymnastics while incorporating fun and fitness. There are 6 levels in the program and each level consists of approximately 20 skills that are “mastered” to move up to the next level. Some levels may take only one session, while some may take multiple sessions. Boys gymnastics consists of 6 events including floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and horizontal bar.

What to wear: Springers recommends that girls wear either a bodysuit or leggings/shorts and a t-shirt/tight tank top, and boys a t-shirt and elastics waist shorts or athletic pants.  Bodysuits and t-shirts are available for purchase in the office. Please note: Change rooms are temporarily closed, athletes are encouraged to wear their gymnastics clothes under their street clothes) and the Coats & Boots Room are NOT supervised during class times. Please do not bring valuables to the gym). At this time Masks are strongly recommended for all participants and parent viewing classes.

Some levels may take only one session, while some may take multiple sessions.
We recommend asking your son's coach about their progress prior to registration to ensure they sign up for the correct level


Boys Rec Level 3+

Age: 6+
Class Length: 85 minutes
Pre-requisites: Boys Level 2
Additional details: There are 6 levels in the boys recreation program, each child is different and may take multiple sessions to complete all levels. 

Program Description: This class is 85 minutes long and introduces more advanced skills from the boys recreation program.  The program focuses on the fundamentals of gymnastics while incorporating fun and fitness. There are 6 levels in the program and each level consists of approximately 20 skills that are “mastered” to move up to the next level. Some levels may take only one session, while some may take multiple sessions. Boys gymnastics consists of 6 events including floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and horizontal bar.

What to wear: Springers recommends that girls wear either a bodysuit or leggings/shorts and a t-shirt/tight tank top, and boys a t-shirt and elastics waist shorts or athletic pants.  Bodysuits and t-shirts are available for purchase in the office. Please note: Change rooms are temporarily closed, athletes are encouraged to wear their gymnastics clothes under their street clothes) and the Coats & Boots Room are NOT supervised during class times. Please do not bring valuables to the gym). At this time Masks are strongly recommended for all participants and parent viewing classes.

Some levels may take only one session, while some may take multiple sessions.
We recommend asking your son's coach about their progress prior to registration to ensure they sign up for the correct level